Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Challenge... It's Not Just Butter

It is known that you have to challenge yourself to grow.  Whether you win or lose, succeed or fail, the lessons learned from the experience shape who you become.  

I have been seeing these quotes from Albert Einstein a lot here lately and I take it as a sign...

1. Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming attractions.  Imagination is more important than knowledge.

2. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

3. Information is not knowledge.  The only source of knowledge is experience.

 I have noticed that my own work has dwindled into fleeting moments of inspiration only to be filed away for another day so I can take care of my clients.  It is a common occupational hazard for photographers to get busy with work and not make time for their own passion.

So, I've decided to start a challenge.  30 photos in 30 days.  The exact amount of time that it takes to start a new habit and time to keep my creative eye keen.  I understand it's the end of the month, but I've waited too long to make time for myself and I am starting now.

So here is my first photo.  The theme is 'Morning'.  I know when people think of taking a morning picture, they might think of the sunrise or the sun shining through tree branches or some serene beautiful idea of a picturesque morning.
Well, my mornings are pretty hectic and I refuse to wake up at sunrise to take a picture of the rising sun if I don't have to.  My mornings consist of getting myself and my two school aged kids (I can't wait to see what happens when my 3 year old starts preschool) out the door on time to get them to school and myself to work.  I could have taken a picture of blurred subjects running to the car but instead I chose to get a shot of their morning line up at school.  It's when I spend just a few still moments with them, as they prepare for the day and I kiss them on the forehead before they walk to class.
To me, this is morning.

Thank you to Florabella for putting this challenge out there!

Tomorrow is 'Simplicity'...  hmmm...
And don't forget... challenge yourself :)

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