Tuesday, April 10, 2012

They Grow Wings And Fly

I have said time and time again that my children are my most powerful inspiration to pursue what I love to do.  So when I see them expressing themselves through the same craft, I won't lie, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.  Literally, as giddy as a school girl.  When my 7 year old asked me if she could take pictures with my SLR, I told her she could use my old Canon and have at it.  I put it on AUTO and showed her how to use the lens to zoom and that was the beginning of the end for its battery and the start of a collection of photos that I am very proud of.  She put together a set for my 3 year old and our new puppy, directing them to take the photos she wanted.  She went around the house, taking pics of random things that caught her eye.  She came with me to take photos of her older sister (because I do not have them take photos at school anymore and we needed to take her Spring pictures.).  Then she got to view her photos, beaming with pride.  Here are my favorites (no editing):

Her baby sister

Our new puppy is a common subject in her photos.  This is her E.T. moment.

Her bunny.  Doesn't go anywhere without it.  Has been known to sneak to school with her.

Our other dog and, obviously, tamer one.

That is the puppy in the weeds.

Took photos of my eldest in this field.  The following are my 7 year old's photos while we were there.

I see a dog chasing a rat.  You?

She was cold so I put her in my sweater'spouch.

This is probably my favorite.  For some reason, the composition grabs me.

I don't know how long her curiosity with the camera will last.  All my kids love art and as long as I can give them an outlet, I'm happy.  But I have to say, I'm excited to see them evolving as artists and finding new mediums that make them as giddy as a proud mom.

Here are some behind - the - scene photos of my daughter in the field while she was taking pictures.

I get this same look when I'm trying to get the shot.

In the wild

She had 10 more photos on the memory card and she was on a mission.

Classic photography stance :)

We had a great time...