Friday, March 16, 2012

Look What I Can Do!

This past week I have been working a lot with kids, so I thought it appropriate to talk about... well, kids.

I feel it is very important to keep art in children's lives.  Any child development expert will tell you that a child needs to express themselves and sometimes they just don't know how.  Most children are naturally expressive but have no outlet to do it.  Hence, the importance of art.  Whether it is fingerpainting or sculpting with play doh, in my experience, kids love to make something and then show it off.  It is that sense of accomplishment.

I run a Photography Club at my daughters' school.  It is part of their after school program and I love it.  I primarily work with the older kids and I am teaching them the basics of photography.  I bring in my extra cameras and they can bring their own, then I give them a challenge depending on whatever we are working on and then they get to shoot.  This week, they wanted to do a photo shoot.  We have been working on shooting in Manual mode, staying outside and focusing on shutter speed.  So I brought my gear and some accessories, set up a mini studio and then let them have at it.  We focused on lighting and composition while they shot in Manual, each student having a turn as the photographer and as a model.  Do you think they had fun?  I couldn't be more proud.

One of my kids wanted to portray a homeless person in their photo.  They talked about how some homeless are veterans and got into a full conversation about it.  That is what I love about self-expression.  It makes us think.

I also volunteered at the Crocker Art Museum for Homeschool Day.  They asked me to take some photos for them and I said absolutely!  The Crocker hosts a fun way for kids to experience art in a museum setting and I love them for that.  This time it was a scavenger hunt.  It was pretty cool and I was as excited as the kids to be a part of it!  I love watching kids look at these amazing pieces and become inspired.  I followed the groups and shot as I watched them find the item on their scavenger hunt list or find a piece of art that interested them.  Plus, I got to walk around and admire the Crocker's collections and exhibits.  It was a great way to spend a few hours out of my day!

Curiosity took hold of this little guy

One patron looking at the list for the scavenger hunt.

Children's curiosity never ceases to amaze me and makes me think that as adults we often forget to find the wonder in life.

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