Sunday, March 18, 2012

Inspiration... What aisle is that in?

Everyone has been asked where they get their inspiration from.  Are the creatives the only ones who need inspiration?  Heck, no!  Everyone needs some inspiration sometimes for various reasons.  The important, and sometimes difficult, thing is to find it.  It's not always easy, right?  There is writer's block, mommy burnout, a stagnant state that has us on a hamster wheel day in and day out.  But then you have that epiphany, that a-ha moment that changes you.  It might be something as small as hearing a specific song or as profound as feeling love for the first time.  Whatever it is, don't let it go by without first letting it into your heart and drawing that inspiration from it.  Sometimes we just have to get off that hamster wheel.

Coming home, I drove through this rural area and I had to stop to take some shots.  With the current rain, the clouds were just massive!  You can tell it is just pouring in the distance.

When there is nothing but wide open spaces and nothing but sky, you can't help but feel like an ant in this big wide world.  
That is downtown Sacramento in the distance on the left.  To think that miles away from this spot is a busy urban sprawl.

This shot is probably my favorite.  I've always been keen to the open road.  I've done a lot of traveling in my time and I haven't had the chance here as of late.  Maybe I just got inspired to.

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